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- Tongue monster

The Tongue monster is a monsterized version of an unknown male.


It is tall, with an especially large forehead. When hunting its lower jaw, throat, and upper chest open up vertically to reveal a long tongue.

He notably looks like Slender Man.


  • Long Blood Tongue: The tongue acts like a proboscis similar to a mosquito's. It stabs the victim and sucks up their insides, leaving the victim's skin as a shell of the person it killed. The force of its tongue is fairly powerful and can break through walls.


The Tongue Monster was the second monster many of the survivors encountered when they investigated why the lobby is locked up. Seok Kim, who was in the security office when the monster revealed itself, opens the front shutter and unknowingly lets it inside. The monster shambles inside and immediately feeds on the first human it encounters as the bystanders look in horror. In the ensuing panic, Wook Pyeon manages to tackle the monster back outside the apartment, and Jeon closes the shutter with Wook barely able to make it inside in time. It continues to lurk outside the apartment building.

The monster, or rather its tongue, is later seen when fighting a monsterized Mr. Kim, the former security guard. The monster heard the commotion inside and was able to use its tongue to break through the building's wall. Hyun Cha uses this to his advantage by attaching it to Mr. Kim. The monster begins sucking Mr. Kim's insides, and lets go after it is finished.

The Tongue Monster is later cannibalized (eaten raw and alive) by the steroid monster.


  1. Ep. 8