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"Y..OU..D... D...IEEE..."

The eyeball monster is a monster that initially patrolled the outside of Green Roof Apartments and eventually evolved.


While the main body is humanoid, its head is deformed. In place of any usual human features, its head is enlarged and covered in eyes. It also possess an extendable neck that can stretch as high as the 14th floor of the building. This monster does not appear to possess the same aggressive/cannibalistic instincts as other monsters, as it is content with just peering into people's windows. However, it will get aggressive if attacked. The monster can create a sharp-toothed mouth if attacked or if it needs to speak. its monster form keeps a humanoid body.

After Dusik Hahn severed its head, the head shriveled up and died. However, the main body survived. It could not regenerate its head, and instead a bunch of small eyes were created in the exposed neck cavity.

Later, the monster evolved back into what he looked like as a human, albeit without human empathy. As an evolved monster, he retains his affiliation with monsterkind.


Hyun Cha first spots the eye monster outside the apartment through his window, but he pays it no mind. The eye monster, later on, extends its neck to spy on Hyun, which greatly unnerves him. At some point, Hyuk Lee notices the monster as well, and talks to someone on an online game about it, not knowing that he is talking to Hyun. Later, as a father attempts to rappel down the side of the building to get supplies, the Eye Monster sneaks up behind him. When the father notices, the surprise causes him to lose his grip and fall to his death. The monster attempts to extend his neck into the children's room, but Hyun throws a monitor at it and provokes it, causing it to break his window and force it's head into his room. Hyun then manages to stab it in the eye with his homemade spear, created after he broke his mop. Unfortunately, this did not kill the monster, only injuring it and most likely enraging it further. Dusik ended up saving Hyun's life after shooting the monster with a homemade gun and severing its head from its neck. The main body survived and began walking away, detaching it's head and leaving it to shrivel up. It's later seen with multiple eyes in it's neck stump. Later, the body is found in the forest in an cocoon by Wook Pyeon in the process of evolving.

As an evolved monster, the monster, now appearing to be a naked man with emotionless eyes, spoke to Hyun Cha in the basement of the Green Roof Apartments.[citation needed]
